Saturday, May 10, 2008

New Yersey drama: 2 death eyases

Again a drama at the New Yersey scrape. Two of the 4 eyases have died from Trichomoniasis. This is one of the most dangerous diseases an eyas can get, and in most cases the little thing will die. Many peregrine eyases do die from this infection.

Yesterday May 9, biologists visited the nestbox to administer medication helpful in preventing this disease. Upon examining the chicks in the warm and dry rooftop engineering room it was found that one chick was not doing very well and the decision was made to transport it to The Raptor Trust for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

In the meantime 2 chicks have died and where removed from the nestbox. The parents look after the remaining chick and we hope and pray this one will stay healthry. When the chick in healthcare has recovered it will probably be returned to teh scrape.


The parasite Trichomonas gallinae causes avian trichomoniasis. When present, it is usually found in the upper digestive tract of many species of doves and gallinaceous birds. Some strains may also produce liver and lung lesions. The parasite is transferred to young from the mother during feeding. Transmission between birds may also occur from contaminated feed and water. Infection by this trichomonad can be fatal. The presence of this organism in doves is a common source of infection of falcons and hawks feeding on them.

It is characterized by raised lesions in the mouth, esophagus, and crop. Infected birds may appear to have trouble closing their mouth. The disease caused by this protozoan is often present in the mouth secretions of birds that appear to be healthy but are carriers of the disease, such as pigeons.

Infected birds can contaminate water containers (bird baths) with their oral secretions, which can, in turn, expose many other birds to the disease. Mortality from this disease varies, but it can be quite high.

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