Monday, March 3, 2008

Rochester: Kaver is back!

Only a day after returning to Rochester, Kaver and Mariah are already exhibiting the behaviors of a courting couple. If we could hear inside the nest box, the falcons would be ee-chupping at each other as they bowed back and forth.
Kaver has just caught some prey, and you can see that he has presented it to Mariah. This gift of food demonstrates his ability as a good provider for his family. They will be flying together, with Kaver performing aerial manuevers to show off his flying prowess. Taken together these activities are meant to display his fitness as a mate for Mariah. For these two who are entering their seventh year togehter, the courtship activity also reinforces their pair bond after months of separation. It will be a wonderful season for this peregrine pair.

Terminal Tower Ohio

Buckeye and SW, both at the nestsite today. Snow is gone
Scott wright already said: "Warm to be sure and probably loads of action as the winds are blowing real good."Well here we are! Beautiful images!

James River Bridge

Beautiful pictures of lady Elizabeth with her prescious egg. See how careful she is with this little incubator for her first baby.

Florence: Giotto & Monna Tessa


The peregrines are annoyed by ravens
On Friday morning we saw clear evidence that a pair of ravens are still present around the tower of Derby Cathedral. The ravens were feeding on a stored corpse of a lapwing (we knew this because we'd seen snipe, golden plover and lapwing corpses on the upper ledge the previous day). Not surprisingly, this annoyed our peregrine, though not to the extent it had earlier in the week. From time to time the peregrines made repeated swoops in an attempt to drive the ravens away. They took little notice, even when one peregrine hovered right above them for some moments as can been seen in the left-hand picture.
Both ravens later moved off to the roof of a nearby building and started pestering a crow. You can clearly see how much larger they are then their smaller cousin as the picture below shows the crow perching on top of a satelite dish.

Rome: Aria & Vento

Aria is keeping her egg warm. There will probably be another one tonight.


Oberhausen: 5th day

Das weibchen in ihren fünften bruttag. Little lady in het 5th day


Both birds where there. Images from the box are very misty.