Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rochester: first eggday

Here she is beautiful and amazing Mariah. You can see the diference between them, besides the bodysize, in the little white featherstripe right above her cere. Kaver is all darkgrey.

Mariah in the nestbox
Mariah and her egg
Keeping an eye on things

The proud father Kaver with his first egg of the season. Kaver is an excellent dad! Father to many pretty daughters by the way. The four of last year where exceptional !

SW and Buckeye


The male and the female. She has a full crop. But I have not seen any serious courtship overhere.

Aria and Vento


Columbus Ohio


This peregrine couple will be the first ones to welcome eyases. The first one will probably hatch on the 30th. So that's on Sunday. The little one is ready, and already getting into hatchposition.
Beak turns toward air cell and the yolk sac begins to enter body cavity.

Sussex Heights


The male is on the eggs in these images. They take turns incubating. The female takes the bigger part of the incubating duties. The male takes care of catching prey. But of course the female has to stretch her leggs once in a while and go to the bathroom.
When the male arrives with food she leaves the eggs and take sover the prey on the ledge. The male comes into the nest and takes care of the eggs. She eats outside the nestbox. They will never bring food into the nest because of contamination. After she has eaten etc, stretched her leggs and wings she will take over from the male. Which he doesn't like. So she has to push him away very often.


Thy are nesting al the way up in the against the chimney with a great view

De Mortel

James River Bridge

When everything goes well overhere the first egg will hatch on the 8th of April. So it is still a long way to go.


The ledge cam is working again, so we have this beautiful view again on the square

Harrisburg: 3rd egg!


This is where the peregrines are living: The Electrabel plant in the Northern part of the Netherlands, near the sea. The nestbox is high against the cimney. On the right of the picture is the Eems and Dollard, part of the Northsea. No houses, just water, pure nature and lots of prey, so it is a perfect place for the Eemsmond peregrines.


Both peregrines on the ledge. But they where not very interested in eachother this morning. Come on guys, we want eggs!
I'm sure it will be alright, they just want to be last ones to lay. Oberhausen will be the first ones to hatch this weekend. When the Derby peregrines start laying this weekend, the Germans will almost fledge when the Derby's will hatch. Pretty special.

Cobb Island


Aisha and Vento. Inside the first egg to hatch preparations are starting for hatching. The embryo is lifting it's head into hatchposition. Urate disposal get visable in the allantois for the very first time. Aircell is getting bigger. The little one starts to react on light outside the egg.


Rochester: first egg!!

Mariah laid her first egg!!!! GONGRATULATIONS! Way to go beautiful falcon.
In the dark she laid her first egg of the 2008 season at around 9:55 PM.
We are happy with you and Kaver. So glad that the territorial disputes do not have an effect on the laying. And I do hope the intruder won't come back.
Topphoto: dawn in Rochester, the egg beautiful, within a new life is beginning. The season has begun.