Friday, February 22, 2008

Oberhausen first egg

Presentation: Dutch Eagle fan

Oberhausen, first egg of the season.

What a beautiful day this is. The first peregrine egg of the season in Oberhausen.
She is showing us her egg, that was laid this morning. In the past day we have seen many copulations, and on this day she started egglaying.
She will go on laying an egg now every 52-54 hours. That's an average. Some females take more time in between egg laying. Mariah of Rochester even took 103 hours between her 5th and 6th egg in 2006. But that's very exceptional.


Both at the nestsite head-bow-low. And probably ee-chupping. I expect the female starting to lay eggs any day now.

Derby Cathedral Peregrines

The Derby peregrines, maybe next? She 's very much al the nestsite, in the scrape

Oberhausen: We have an egg!!!

The peregrines of Oberhausen have an egg. Very early in the season, but nature is changing, all birds are courting at the moment.
So she is the first one of all the nests!

Congratulations beautiful ladybird, we are happy with this new life.