Monday, February 25, 2008


The little falcon lady is sleepy on het eggs. More of them are in the making, no doubt. Tomorrow egg nr 3? Probably.


Beautiful Zurich male. He's absolutely a handsome fellow!!
Die Wanderfalken nisteten 2002 an der Josefstrasse, 2003 aber im Nistkasten des Kehrichtheizkraftwerkes Hagenholz. Dort konnten sie auch dieses Jahr wieder beobachtet werden. Seit August 2004 (kurz nach dem Ausflug der jungen Turmfalken) kommen auch regelmässig Wanderfalken auf das Anflugbrett an der Josefstrasse. Sie rupfen dort ihre Beute (Tauben, junge Alpensegler, Sturmmöwe u.a.) und inspizieren den Nistkasten.

Rome: Aria & Vento

Intensive courtship at the scrape


Inspecting the scrape at Cobb.

Rome: Aria & Vento


She is taking care of the first egg. The male brings her food. This noght the second egg will be laid.


This morning at 7 the female was preening on the ledge, the male came in with prey. Like lightning she rushed to him, took the prey and flew off. In a matter of seconds, leaving him flabbergasted.....


No news here. She's still spending a lot of time on the ledge.

Here a video of courtship last year: