Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bologne: First eggs of the season!





Felix & Aisha are the first peregrine falcon couple with eggs this 2009 season!!
Aisha laid her first egg on February 26 and today she laid her second one!

Sussex Heights Falcon Webcam: New Male


In previous years, including last year the male has always been without a
ring. But this male has 2 rings with a very clear Black 15, as can be seen in the series of pics from yesterdaymorning! So the male from the past years has been replaced.

Black 15 hatched on Chichester Cathedral in 2005 and was ringed by Graham
Roberts of the Sussex Ornithological Society on 27th May of that year.
Graham is also responsible for ringing the Sussex Heights chicks among
others. One of 4 chicks (3 males & a female). We think this is the first
sighting of him since June 2005!

It's turning into an interesting season already!