Sunday, February 24, 2008




She's almost all day on the eggs. Every now and the she leaves for a little while. She's very lethargic. That's a sign of more eggs in the making.
Haven't seen the male around yet. He takes care of her being fed. She needs a lot of food in order to produce healthy and strong eggs.
In the weeks before egglaying she starts storing calcium in her pneumatic bones. So she has a lot of it in stock to make strong eggshells.
The processes in her body take a lot of energy. That and the high hormone levels make her sleepy, and moody. She's pregnant. Imagine procucing 4 virtile eggs in 8 days !


Aria is sitting on the ledge. I wonder when she will start laying her eggs. Last year it was in March , about the 15th. So we will have to wait a little while overhere


Aisha, keeps walking in and out.

Second egg in Oberhausen

We have a asecond egg in Oberhausen. Gratuliere Vati und Muti!


This beauty is keeping her egg warm. It's cold outside, so she takes care the eggtemp doen't drop below 4 0 celcius. She is not breeding yet by the way. just keeping it warm.
Is there a second one yet? In between are 52-54 hours so it should be today.

Egg in Bologna

Congratulations Aisha en Felix!