Saturday, May 10, 2008

Derby on saturday

We saw very many great feedings, a lot of activity and 4 very healthy eyases. All very alive and kicking.
There has been some concern about the last eyas. He hatched 3 days after the first. That is very late indeed. But he is a fighter. Females always are putting extra nutrients and extra testosteron in the last egg. To give this last eyas extra chances of survival in a nest where there are 3 older eyases. We've all seen how much an eyas grows in just one day. It is hard to compete with siblings who are twice your size. This extra testosteron however makes the hatchmuscle extra strong. This neckmuscle is the same that makes it possible to hold the little head up during feedings.
Peregrines are excellent parents how are very much aware of what is happening. They are not just feeding machines, but are very concerned with who has eaten and who has not. They give chupping sounds to ask teh eyas "who wants some more" or "come on eat little thing". They go on feeding until the eyases are stuffed.
The Derby female has a special tactic, she feeds the 3 older ones till they drop, and then has all her attention for the little one. Who is fed until he has enough. I saw exactly the same behaviour in De Mortel scrape. Same situation, the fourth was born more than 2 days after the first 3. And S2, our female bird did the same: feed the 3 till they're stuffed and then she fed the little one. Who is in the meantime a big healthy and very keen, smart and intelligent eyas who takes advantage of his size during feedings.
I saw today how little one has been fed very well. so there is absolutely no need for concern. We can all trust the parental skills of our 2 parents!

Watch here 4 slideshows of today and a great many pictures:

Great video's on the Derbypage:

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