Wednesday, April 16, 2008

James River Bridge: 7 days old

These precious little eyases are growing real fast. They have turned into real raptorchicks. The form of the skull, their appetite for blood and meat. Raptors to be... once, not yet. They are three little adorable baby peregrines. Sir James, already 17 years of age and beautiful Elizabeth are taking very good care of them. This morning I noticed how they feed the 3 hungry cutsomers together. So they are being stuffed and that is a good thing.
Essential in teh development are the major flight muscles. They make out 25% of the bodyweight. Those muscles should be big and strong and trained before they can take their first flight. So a lot of healthy lean meat is excellent for them. They will start flapping their wings very early. As soon as when they are about 10-12 days they discover they have them.

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