Monday, March 3, 2008

Rochester: Kaver is back!

Only a day after returning to Rochester, Kaver and Mariah are already exhibiting the behaviors of a courting couple. If we could hear inside the nest box, the falcons would be ee-chupping at each other as they bowed back and forth.
Kaver has just caught some prey, and you can see that he has presented it to Mariah. This gift of food demonstrates his ability as a good provider for his family. They will be flying together, with Kaver performing aerial manuevers to show off his flying prowess. Taken together these activities are meant to display his fitness as a mate for Mariah. For these two who are entering their seventh year togehter, the courtship activity also reinforces their pair bond after months of separation. It will be a wonderful season for this peregrine pair.

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