Saturday, October 11, 2008

Alcoa Anglesea: 8 days old



Last week saturday 2 of the 2 Alcoa eyases were born, that makes them 8 days old today. Watching the webcams we can see how they've grown. They can sit right up, leaning on their wings when begging for food. The first 2-3 days the eyases were blind, but they can see perfectly now. Peregrine falcon eyases are semiatrocial, which means they can not survive without parental care: warnth, protection and food.
When the eyases were born they had very little down. The first down is neosoptile down which does not give protection by means of thermoregulation. After a week-10 days the second down has grown and they are able to regulate their body temperature. Eyases always lean against eachother with their tummy, citting in a circle. In that way they form one body so to speak and share their bodywarmth with the other nestlings. That makes it much easier to stay warm.
Now that they have their second down Sheila and Havoc will leave them alone for longer periods. Which we can see already. This does not mean they are really gone. No way. One of the parents is always very close by. Sometimes not visible by webcam, but be sure they are within a few meters of their eyases.
The weather is Ok in Anglesea, about 20-22 C.

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