Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Rochester, relocation nestbox

A few weeks ago the wellknown nestbox of Mariah and Kaver has been removed because of renovation works at the Kodag Tower. This will take a long time and that's why a new location has to be found for the nestbox. On Imprints Jess posted the latest news about the relocation.

The Rochester Falconcam team has considered about a dozen sites so far. Some have been rejected because of concerns about human activity nearby, safety of people who might have access the nest site, or physical problems with the building’s layout. Two sites, the Powers Building in downtown Rochester, and the High Falls Brewing Company, look like promising locations. It has been decided to install the Kodak box on the Powers Building. He and the relocation team are working with the building’s managers to firm up an installation date.

The historic Powers Building isn’t as tall as the Kodak tower, but it has a lot of similarities, including a central tower with a flat area at the top, and plenty of nooks and crannies on the building’s facade. It’s about a half mile from Kodak and close to the river. There’s a good line of sight to Mariah’s former nest site, a desirable feature according to the DEC experts. The building’s owners are enthusiastic about hosting a nest box and they’ve expressed interest in working with the Rochester Falconcam to install cameras too! If it turns out this fall that Mariah has chosen the Powers Building nest box, the cams will be reinstalled later this year, in time for the falcons’ return next spring.


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