Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Falcon and the Squirrel

I came across these superb pictures made by Chad & Chris Saladin.
The pics were shot in April. Hillary of Hilliard Bridge sat in a close tree, when a squirrel started making his way up toward her. She watched intently as the squirrel checked her out from a branch right across where she was perched. Then the squirrel started up her branch. Hillary gave the defensive posture, then lunged a bit toward the squirrel, and he scooted the other direction.
It is as if Hillary is saying: Don't you know who I am? Do you want to end up as my dinner, come on and make my day.
And gone he was the squirrel, a fascinating interaction between raptor and potential prey. Peregrine falcons do catch squirrels. But not like this. The squirrel in a tree is much faster than a peregrine falcon.
But Chris and Chad have seen Hillary dining on a squirrel once.......
The pics are magnificent. Thank you Chris and Chad Saladin!

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