Saturday, September 20, 2008

Embryonic development day 15-18

What's happening inside the eggs in Anglesea at the Alcoa plant?
We left the embryo at day 14.

Day 15:

* Claws begin to form.

* The cere is visible.

* Pterylae visible on the sternum

* Flight feathers appear.

* Feather tracts appear over the sternum.

* Lower eyelids develop.

* Embryo is moving

* Thyroid gland starts Thyroxine secretion

* Embryo moves to a position on the right of the egg

* Legs and torso grow faster than gead

* Embryo sinks because of that into the yolk

Day 16

* The toe claws begin to curve downward.

* The bottom of the feet become padded.

* Feather germs on the back and tail appear as long, tapering cones.

* The beak begins to harden.

* The comb appears serrated.

* The embryo begins to draw calcium from the eggshell for its growing

Day 17 & 18

* Scales appear on the lower legs.

* The embryo continues to grow and move.

* The ribs begin to ossify.

* Metanephros starts its function

* The Furcula is formed by the fusion of the 2 clavicles

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