Thursday, June 5, 2008

Terminal Tower Cleveland


Tiki fledged this morning

Chris and Chad report: Later in the day, Tiki made it over to the east side ledge that is level with the nest ledge. She was fed, and then Tiger flew over and ate some of the remaining prey. Then Tiger went by his "fledging buddy" and tried to get her going by pulling on her feathers, but Tiki just seemed ready for a long rest. So, he took off. His flights are looking good, as he doesn't seem hesitant to go from one ledge to the next, and at times we have seen him manuevering quite well in for landings. Spirit and Thriller seem due to fledge at any time, based on their frequent flapping and activity level. Hope they can get some lift, though, as the humidity that is setting in makes the air heavier and often more difficult for first flights (as opposed to the cool, breezy days that aid them).

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