Friday, June 13, 2008

Indianapolis: more news of the Indy 4

Report from Laura James-Reim:

What can I say - another great day! Our hours are shorter downtown now but we see much action early and then the birds settle down for a while. Plus today it started raining and we are fair-weather watchers at this point in the game. Not that we'll melt but our services aren't required over the long haul right now - thank goodness!

The birds are hanging out where they have been for the last couple of days. They seem to hone in on the old Washington hotel and then zoom around from there. Over to Barnes-Thornburg, the old L.S. Ayres and wedding cake buildings and back to the hotel again. We had all four in the air at various times in the morning and at times right over our heads. Such fun to watch!

They were chasing each other, playing falcon tag and attempting some mock food transfers. They are learning and learning fast. But that is what we have all been waiting for since we first watched them as eggs until the days that they hopped up on the perch and made us all gasp with nervousness.

One of the juvies even had the nerve to knock Kinney off the Barnes-Thornburg building and chase him. Kinney was having none of it - he hightailed it off north and quickly lost the juvenile pursuing him. Dad still knows and flies best.

As we all know, accidents can still happen but they are growing up and getting ready to go off into the falcon real world. Sniff.

Richard and I uploaded some photos from this morning (one is courtesy of Susan H. who took the pic with her new compact camera - thanks!). They aren't that close but there are some good family portraits of the juveniles hanging out on the railing of the old Washington hotel - these are keepers because how much longer will they cooperate for such a shot?

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