Monday, June 30, 2008

Derby Cathedral Peregrines

Look at these beautiful clored skies in the early Derby Morning. At 6, the youngsters already where having breakfast. Afterwards: perching, preening and a little flying. In one of the pics one is flying away, very special to catch that!

The 3 tiercels do seek eachothers company. Watching them it is obvious there are 2 who can get along very well indeed. They show affectionate behaviour like preening eachothers feathers. The smallest, which will be tiddler is not part of that. He's fine just by himself. He is a qute little chap. Strong personality. He's done a marvelous job growing up as the youngest one, being born days after the eldest! Thanks to the care of the falcon, and lots of prey he's made it. Very happy with

We know that the falcon, or better nature lets her put extra testosteron in the last egg. This testosteron makes a strong hatchmuscle. This very same muscle makes eyases be able to keep their little head up high when food arrives. So they can beg. With the extra testosteron the last eyas can hatch quickly and keep begging longer. So he will be fed. Tiddler had his own tactics however. He just waited calmly until everybody had their dinner. Without to much effort he started begging as soon as all the other ones dropped exhausted and sleepy from the food. Sometimes that ment that all the food was gone. But that seemed to be a calculated risk. This way he got his food without wasting to much energy. Intelligent little chap he is. He will make it, I'm sure.

Read all about the Derby Peregrines on the Derby Blog:

To visit the Derby Photo Blog of Jon Salloway, with amazing photo's of the Derby peregrines.:

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