Monday, June 16, 2008

Derby Cathedral peregrines: Fledge and crash

The lady of the day: juvie 003.
Photo by Nick Brown

An early morning with breakfast for 2 and a fledge!

This morning the webcams showed 2 juvies waking up, and one leaving at 06:34. Only 4 minutes later one is back who leaves again at 6:42.
At 07:23 food breakfast is served and toddler is joined by a sibling, who leaves again shortly after breakfast.
The morning went by without any least not in front of the webcams.

There was however al lot of action outside, because juvie 003.... "had fledged but hadn't quite made it. She had landed on a nearby roof but been frightened off by workmen. Taking to the air again she made it for a tree, but failed to get a hold, and fluttered to the ground. Just as before she was rescued by Nick Brown from the Wildlife Trust, aided this time by Jon Salloway." ( quote from the Derby Blog)

Lady in distress: juvie 003
Photo by Nick Brown

Later this morning we received more news from the Project Members. Juvie 003, the only female fledged and tried to land on top of a roof which was being repaired. She got scared of by a workman and took off. But she could not clear the trees nearby and crashed into them. She was hanging upside down from a branch but soon came crashing down through the branches onto the paving below. Fortunately Jon Salloway and Graham Whitmore were on hand to help shepherd the bird into a small garden where she could be easily caught.
She was boxed up by Nick Brown and brought up the Cathedral Tower to recover from her adventure.
Some fabulous photo's where made of the juvenile by Nick Brown and Jon Salloway.

After the action the day went by easy without any incidents but with al lot of this wonderful wingflapping!!

Visit the Blog of Jon Salloway with wonderful pics of the Derby Younsters and their parents by clicking this link:

Read more about the Derby Peregrines and to order the great DVD:

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