Friday, June 20, 2008

De Mortel: beautiful S2

Here she is S2. For me she is the most special and beautiful falcon ever. This female came into our lives in a horrible way. By killing our resident female she interrupted a kind of peregrine fairytale in a very confronting way. 3 hatchlings where in immediate danger because she took al the food away which the tiercel brought to his hatchlings. One died.
But this special falcon she learned, she watched the tiercel and in 3 weeks she changed her behaviour from courting into nursing. She started to feed the remaining 2 eyases and fledged them strong and healthy.
She made us make choices about where we stand, forced us to make ethical dicisions. What to do when this happens, do we intervene, or will we let nature take it's course. She is special this falcon, she is very intelligent, caring but feisty, soft but strong, she is S2.

This year she laid 4 eggs which all hatched. Together with the resident tiercel Pa she fledged them all savely. They all look after her. They have the same features as their mother, strong, big shoulders, sharp face. It's amazing how they look like her. I have noticed now that I have watched all these nestsites this season, how you can distinct them from eachother by the features of their parents. Of course they all have different stripes on their face, like a fingerprint, but the form of the face, the eyeridge, cere, beak is absolutely inherited and very very distinct.

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