Sunday, May 4, 2008

Zwolle: a warm day

Is was a warm and sunny day in the Netherlands. The sun was shining into the nestbox this afternoon. The female is keeping the eyases out of the sun, and then all of a sudden she went off. The poor things where in the sun, but crawled out into the shade.
Eyas can not stand sunshine when they are so very young, They are very sensitive to heatstress. This can even be deadly. Bird skin is very sensitive and not like ours at all. The skin is constantly covered by down and feathers. But eyases don't have that protection yet. The bird skin can not cool itself off because it has no sweatglands. So without the protective wings from a parent they will burn alive. And die from heatstroke. Unfortunately we saw that happen in Brisbane with one of the Frodo & Frida eyases last summer. So nestboxes which are placed by humans should never have the middaysun shining in unless it has corners where the eyases can shelter.

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