Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Woodman: rescue

These are the latest messages about the Woodman nestsite.

May 8, 2008
The female falcon, Hera, is believed to be injured and recuperating at Raptor Recovery Nebraska, Inc., following a May 5 encounter with another falcon that was presumably killed. All is “presumed,” as the two unbanded females are virtually indistinguishable. The injured falcon was left with bruises, stitches and scuffed feet.

For a few days Zeus tried to keep the hatchling warm and alive. He did bring prey but could not manage. he stopped brooding teh 2 hatchlings and the 3 eggs.

May 12, 2008
The two falcon eyas, who hatched last week, and the three remaining eggs were removed from the nest today after Zeus stopped sitting on the nest.

The biologists have removed the 2 hatchlings and the eggs. The 2 eyases will be fed and probably be hacked. The 3 eggs have to be examine dif the embryo's are still alive. If so they will be incubated until hatch.

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