Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rochester: things have started

Mariah and Kaver are very antsie, moving about, listening to the eggs. There is defenitely something going on. One or two eyases inside the eggs have pipped the aircell membrane and are screaming from within. That is for both parents very exciting indeed and the eechup back. The eyas uses it's eggtooth to break through the egg in a process called pipping.This is not a concious proces but one out of oxygen depletion. The eyas has grown so much that the chorio-allantois is no longer capable of supplying enough oxygen to the eyas. The rising level of Co2 in it's system causes spasmen. One of that spasmic movemnets is of the hatchmuscle in the neck of the hatchling. A very powerfull muscle. This sudden movement causes the eggtooth to pierce the membrane.
But the oxygen in the aircell will run out as well. This takes about 24 hours. And the suffocationproces repeats itself. This time the hatchling pierces the eggshell. And has all the oxygen it needs. It will rest first and then turns and chisels, turns and chisels, until eventually it cuts off one end of the shell.

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