Monday, May 12, 2008

Oberhausen: first fledge!

Our male juvenile has fledged today. Even without us noticing. It was not until the very late evening meal that I missed one. Looking through all the photo's the last one with all three of them, was around 9:00 AM.( thanks Arjen)
So the little one fledged in the morning.
Once one is gone, the other two will follow very quickly. The parents try to lure the other two out of the nestbox by offering them very little food. Rations are down to one meal a day. Everbody who wants more can come out and get it.
So now that our little guy is gone it won't be long before the nestbox and ledge will be emtpy.
Let's just enjoy what time is left with these wonderful juveniles who have brought us all so very much enjoyment.

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