Monday, May 19, 2008

Derby Cathedral Peregrine project

Fortunately after 2 days of black , the webcams are back online. And we can watch our 4 cuties again. And how they've grown! The eldest one is 16 days old now, All have their second down, it looks a bit blue-ish on their backs.

Dark spots can be seen along the edges of the wings, which is a n indication of the growth of the flight feathers underneath the covering of down. The down on the head also begins to take on a "rougher" texture around this time. Tailfeathers also start to grow but they do that very slowly indeed,. But when you watch cloesely , you can see rough edges indicating the beginning of the tailfeathers. Quite sweet I always find the rounf tummy they have in this age. Especialy in th eyoungest one this is very well visible.

This youngest one is quite a lady. I think it is a "she". She does know what she wants and she takes it! I watched her during one of the feedings. She waits for a while until the 2 big ones had their share and then she moves forward, or underneath. She grabs the pieces of food if neseccary from the beak of her sibling: pardon me but I do believe this is mine. She sure takes very well care of her self and takes what she wants! I really do like her ways!

Read about all the Project newes on the Derby Pages!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought at first that there were 2 'girls' and 2 'boys', but after the rapid growth over the 'Black weekend', I now think that the elder 3 are all 'girls' and that the 'tiddler' is a 'boy'. I was a little worried this morning when I thought I saw the 'tiddler' seemed to be excluded from the feeding-chain.