Tuesday, April 29, 2008


After a rough start the eyases are doing well. It is all going by the book. The eldest eyas is a very determind lady indeed. She does not take no for an answer. She is standing up front, wanting to eat first. She stretches out to get a bite. "Me first mom, me first..." The female however feeds all three evenly. She takes very good care the youngest one gets it's portion as well. I saw how she waited untill it had it's head up and little mouth open for her to put a piece of meat in. They are all very, very attentive mothers, the peregrines. They are very intelligent and are very much aware of their eyases and feedinghabbits. They know the smallest needs more attention. In other bird species it is not like that at all. Who is weak, goes overboard, mostly thrown out by one of their siblings. No such thing in a peregrine nest. All eyases get along very well and don't fight over dinner. That is because of course there is very seldom a shortage of food.

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