Tuesday, April 22, 2008

De Mortel: the second day

An impression of the second day in the life of these 2 little darlings. For everone of us this is such a big highlight. The birth of the first eyases of our S2.
For me personal this Peregrine falcon means a lot to me. Furthermore I've been very busy together with a group of very enthousiastic people to get the webcams back online and find new sponsors. So we are so very very happy to be able to present this footage to the world. To watch S2 and her babies.
Thank you Alticom, the owner of DE Mortel Tower and INternl.net who are our new sponsors for making this possible! And to The Eco Touristenfarm De Biezen for their technical support.

1 comment:

Peregrine Project Member (Nick M.) said...

Congratulations on your new arrivals. I know how much it means when you get so involved in working to support these conservation projects.