Friday, March 28, 2008

Zenith remembered, 2002-2006

Zenith, Photo by Scott Wright

I want to remember and honor Zenith today. She was the resident female of the Terminal Tower in Cleveland for 9 years. She used to migrate after her juvi's fledged from the nestsite. Buckeye always stayed behind went she left for the southern sun.
In 2001 Clearpath already laid 1 egg and occupied her nest when Zenith came back in March. In a horrible fight Zenith killed Clearpath.
But in 2002 when Zenith came back SW occupied her nest and had already laid 4 eggs. SW was a young strong female who reacted immediately on the cacking of Zenith in the sky above her.
It was the 28th of March 2002.
SW left her nest to Buckeye and attacked Zenith. There was a big fight between the two, they where beating eachother with their wings and attacking the other one with bill and talons. SW was on top of Zenith who laid on her back in the square. They flew up to the ledge of a building and started fighting again. SW was stronger and Zenith was killed. Scott Wright went out on to the ledge where she was and brought her still warm and bleeding dead body in.
Territorial battles are a part of the peregrine falcons life. They are warriors, these beautiful creatures. Raptors, birds of prey, they hunt and kill every day to survive. They live their life with so much passion; they completely surrender themselves to the intense life they live. When it comes to reproduction they defend their nest, their partner, their eyases with their life.
Sometimes, especialy when someone dies we all love so dearly, this circle of life seems so cruel. But it is not, it is a promise, no a garantue that life always goes on, no matter what. Only the form in which it presents itself changes. Not the essence.
Zenith and SW went into a battle with courage, as all falcons do. A battle which only one would survive. They both knew that. This day was a good day to die. Any day is a good day to die when you live your life without fear, because only then you are truely free. Any day is a good day to die when you live your life to the fullest. As Zenith did, as all peregrine falcons do. They live their life with passion, and die their death with passion. She gave her life for live itself, Zenith died with honor. Her wings touched eternity on that last flight 6 years ago, or was it just yesterday.....
Now she will live on in our memory, this beautiful, majestic, honorable falconspirit.
We will never forget you, Zenith, we will always love you for who you still are.

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