Sunday, March 23, 2008

Terminal Tower Cleveland

Dawn in Cleveland. No extra snow but the temperature is far below zero: -7 C. I'm not happy with that at all. SW and Buckeye must be having a very hard time, keeping the eggs alive. And staying warm enough themselves. The broodpatch is a large area without down protection, they are loosing a lot of bodywarmth that way. The broodpatch is very vasculair, and vasodilitation is optimal in order to transfer as much warmth possible to the eggs. In these weather conditions it takes loads of energy from SW and Buckeye to keep their own thermoregulation up and running. So Buckeye catch many flickers from the square below so you and SW can eat and keep the eggs on 38 C. We send you warmth and energy and we keep our talons crossed!

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