Monday, June 9, 2008

Indianapolis: adventure goes on

Val On One America Building:

Magee On Traffic Light:

KathyQ Threatening Wouldbe Rescuers:

Laura James-Reim: on theFalcon Blog:

Magee must have a falcon guardian angel on his shoulder. I didn't see any of the events unfold personally but essentially what ended up happening about an hour after I left was this: Val took off from the atrium and went down Illinois Street. Not too long after that, Magee apparently had had enough of directing traffic, monitoring the bus stop not thirty feet from where he was and couldn't take the jingling cup of the panhandler sitting right underneath him. He took off too only he did not go up - he went down.

Now here's where the miraculous part happens. You have to know that the intersection where he had parked himself is a particularly busy one and cars go barreling down Illinois Street, plus tons of buses rumble past continously as they make their way to the bus stop. What were the odds that Magee would land in the street with no traffic in sight? But that is exactly what happened and our intrepid and invaluable volunteers were there and ready to stop traffic if any were to come along.

But Magee didn't wait for any cars to come along and according to the observers he took off from the street and landed on the 7th floor of a nearby parking garage. THAT is quite a remarkable effort - sincerely, that is just immense because of the lift it takes a bird of that size to gain any height.

When I returned downtown with Phyllis for the evening shift, folks who had remained there pointed out where they thought Val was - on a rooftop of a building facing the Circle. Magee had moved on from the parking garage roof and we eventually located him on a window sill ledge on Chase Tower - but only four floors up. That is where we left him tonight. We are pretty darn certain we know the location of the other two also - one on the platform of the Soldiers and Sailors' Monument and one on the 13th floor ledge of Chase Tower on the north side of the building.

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