Wednesday, May 21, 2008


The Indy chickes hav ebeen ringed yesterday.Kinney and Kathy Q have produced three females and one male. All the bands after the names are the black over green bands provided by the Midwest Peregrine Society on the left leg of each chick.

They were named as follows:

Magee - the band on this little male reads E/87. This name was submitted by Cheryl Scarborough from Cincinnati, OH. John Gillespie Magee was an American fighter pilot who volunteered for the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1941, flying Spitfires and aiding the British in their fight against the German Luftwaffe over the skies of England. This was prior to the United States entering WWII. He wrote the poem "High Flight" while serving overseas and sent it to his parents (if you Google his name or the poem's title, you should be able to find it on the internet). He was killed three months after penning the poem. All I can say is that it is truly inspirational and uplifting and the words magical, at least for me. If we could only fly like falcons, I'm pretty sure this is what we humans would feel. In light of Memorial Day coming up soon, and to honor and thank all those WWII veterans deceased and still living and veterans of all wars past and present, little Magee, please fly like the wind and soar for many years to come in peace above this planet we all call home.

Edna - The band on this female reads *P/*W (when looking at the band, the letters are sideways). This name was submitted by Patty Strother of Lawrence, IN. Edna Parker is now the oldest living human in the WORLD as documented by the Guinness Book of World Records, was born and raised a Hoosier and still lives in Shelbyville, Indiana. She is 115 years and about 1 month old today - she was born on April 20th!! Congratulations Edna - we honor you for such a wonderful and well-lived life - I have read her biography and I'm inspired to try to live as long and as productive a life as she has. Now, Edna the falcon, we hope you have as long and productive and wonderful of a life too.

Adira - The band on this female reads *P/*X (when looking at the band, the letters are sideways). This name was submitted by Stephanie Pertler, Muncie, IN. This name has both Hebrew and Arabic origins and means majestic, mighty and strong. Nothing else need be said - these birds are all that and more. They leave me speechless at times with their majesty. Now Adira, just be "a dear-a" and give us no problems when you first go out into the world, even though you are strong and mighty.

Val - The band on this female reads *P/*Y (when looking at the band, the letters are sideways). This name was submitted by Jack Nolan, Seattle WA. This name was chosen in honor of Val Nolan, Jr. a noted ornithologist at Indiana University who passed away this spring. Jack is his nephew and gave permission to have a female bird named after his uncle even though the namesake is male. As Jack noted, Val's particular area of study was the junco but said "I'm sure our falcons would gladly eat a junco for dinner, Val would have found this irony quite humorous." If you would like to check out Val's body of work and the honors he received in his lifetime, go to Val the falcon, is there a junco in your future? Whatever your meal du jour, we wish you the best falcon life and many, many meals!

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